
Genre: Poetry
Title: Rebirth
Author: John King Ayanfe ©

I'm a being beaten by a bragging-heartless life
Being a being beaten by beasts baffles my broken being
Ever being seared by topsy-turvy tempetuous time
Trepidation portrays and whistles to my broken self

Far from faith fetch i fears for my fate
My feet finding no fountain for fortitude
Too many holes hold the whole of my ambitions
The dreams i dream dream i to be dreamt

My life kissed knife and i strife
Should i have been begotten? Tempests taunt me
Day-by-day i go to the house of hope
Wherein i find a drop of water for my rebirth

Oh! My scars bleed - my bleeds are not scarse
Love, religion and education poorly succeeded to fail me
My heart's been lonely - my life's a desserted desert
I'm a body of ocean, yet without water - oh

I need a rebirth - o' reality, chant your incantations
That the duration of hopeless situation embrace expiration
My broken being need rebirth and comfort as my berth
I carved my own rebirth, 'ta-ta' to my woes


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